Sunday, January 25, 2009

Establishing the Basic


      So it looks like I might be over whatever it was that I had. No thanks to my doctor I might add. I actually started to feeling better on Thursday but of course that is when my allergies it. It was horrible my eyes were so swelled up  and red I looked like I had taken up a new past time, if you know what I mean. I could hardly breath and Claritin was doing nothing for me. I took a Zyrtec and let me tell you that is the best sleeping pill you could ever take. Problem is I took it at 8am. I honestly thought about calling my husband to leave work and pick up our son from school because I was really doubting my ability to drive our car.
   I did not work out these last 5 days but I did use my body bug to its best.  I have gotten a good idea about the amount of calories my body burns on days when I feel sick, days when I am really sick, and days when I’m feeling really tiered (see below). I feel I  am doing pretty good at adjusting my diet to fit it. I must admit I have been lenient with my diet allowing my self to have a cup cake or even fast food once. The thing is that I’m okay with that. I think it is going to be my key to really losing weight and keeping it off. If I just keep telling my self no no no to everything then I think its going to make me want to relapse and just end up eating half a dozen cup cakes.


This is a day where I was just not feeling well but just did not work out.


Example of a day where I felt okay,  did not work out, but had a very busy day. The high spike around 8 was when I realized how late my son was to school and hauled butt to get the kids ready.


And finally is an example of a regular day at home, once again the big spikes in the morning are getting the kids ready for bed, spikes around one are where i picked my son up from school. 

So current weight 193.3

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